Nowcast Figures Development EnvironmentΒΆ

This section explains how to set up an isolated Conda environment for nowcast web site figure development and testing. The environment will have both the GoMSS_Nowcast nowcast system package, and the gomss-site web site app package installed in it, along with all of their dependencies.

The GoMSS_Nowcast and gomss-site packages use some Python language features that are not available in versions prior to Python 3.6, in particular:

Figure development and web site operation both require access to the GoMSS Nowcast system /data1/dlatornell/nowcast-sys/results/ directory tree. One way of doing that is via sshfs:

sshfs -o ro gomss-nowcast:/data1/dlatornell/nowcast-sys \

The following instructions assume that you have the Anaconda Python Distribution or Miniconda3 installed.

You will also need up-to-date clones of the following repositories from Bitbucket:

Assuming that all of those repositories are cloned, one beside the other, in a directory like GoMSS/, and with the capitalization shown on the left above, you can create and activate a figures development environment with these commands:

$ cd GoMSS_Nowcast
$ conda env create -f environment-fig-dev.yaml
$ conda activate gomss-nowcast-fig-dev
(gomss-nowcast-fig-dev)$ pip install --editable ../NEMO_Nowcast
(gomss-nowcast-fig-dev)$ pip install --editable ../NEMO-Cmd
(gomss-nowcast-fig-dev)$ pip install --editable ../gomss-site/
(gomss-nowcast-fig-dev)$ pip install --editable .

The --editable option in the pip install command above installs the packages from the cloned repos via symlinks so that the installed packages will be automatically updated as the repos evolve.

To deactivate the environment use:

(gomss-nowcast-fig-dev)$ conda deactivate